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About Elite Singles With Kids helps millions of singles with children find love again. We know having children when looking for love again can be a deal breaker. makes it easy and fun to fall heads over in heels in love. It time to feel those love goose bumps all over for someone awesome!

We are a community of single parents that are looking to date, find true love and just get back to completely enjoying life. Elite Singles With Kids helps its members connect with other single parents in a social network environment. It's a place for its members to get to know each other, share experiences and connect with others who are also single, parenting and ready to date.

Connect with millions of other single parents using our vast array of social and dating features. Some of our features include personality compatibility, facial recognition matches, astrological comparisons, private email, video chat, text messaging, instant messaging, voice mail, friends list, chat rooms, forums and blogs.

Join Elite Singles With Kids today absolutely free and fully privileged to utilize all its features. It's a private and easy way to meet other single parents any time of the day or night in the comfort of your own space period.

At, we simplify socializing and dating; making it easy to get to know single parents you click with! So take a break from expensive dating services and embarrassing blind dates. Meet that special someone who is right for you and your lifestyle period.

Register on now and receive free handpicked matches, profile support and recommendations. Remember, the first login is totally free and gives you full privileges on the site so you can experience what this elite single parent online community has to offer.